Annual reports

How can we help you?

The annual report provides information on the social and economic value that the Port of Rotterdam Authority creates for its stakeholders.

Throughput in the port of Rotterdam in 2021 matched the pre-pandemic level of 2019. Compared with 2020, throughput rose by 7.3% to 468.7 million tons. In December, we even set a record, with the arrival of the 15 millionth container of the year. The Port of Rotterdam Authority has had a good year financially. The net result rose from 207.2 million to 213.4 million. Our good results will allow us to continue investing in the sustainable port of the future.

Building tomorrow's port together

The Annual Report 2021 is titled ‘'Building tomorrow's port together" and provides insight into the performance and results of the Port of Rotterdam Authority in 2021. Download the English highlights version. Our full annual report is only available in Dutch.

Annual reports

The port of Rotterdam as the safest, most efficient and sustainable port in the world: that is our ambition. The Port of Rotterdam Authority's annual reports make transparent which contributions the Port Authority makes to realising this ambition. The Port Authority has integrated the traditional annual report and the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) report.