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Legislation and regulations

For a safe port

11 May 2021
How can we help you?

Harbour Master

The Harbour Master enforces (inter)national and local laws and regulations in the ports of Rotterdam, Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Dordrecht, Papendrecht and Zwijndrecht.

Forms and checklists

Shipping regulations apply in the port of Rotterdam. These regulations contribute to the safety in of the port of Rotterdam.

International regulations are issued by the International Maritime Organization (IMO). An example is SOLAS (with additions such as the IMDG Code and the IBC) The International SOLAS Convention is seen as the most important treaty concerning the safety of seagoing vessels. The SOLAS Convention establishes rules for the construction, equipment and operation of vessels. In addition, national regulations apply in the port of Rotterdam. Furthermore, the ADN and the Inland Waterways Police Regulations apply, just like on other Dutch inland waterways.

Local regulations

For safety reasons various Port Bye-Laws apply in the ports of Rotterdam, Vlaardingen, Schiedam, Dordrecht, Papendrecht and Zwijndrecht. The Port Bye-Laws specify the ‘house rules’ of the ports. The same rules apply for the Amsterdam port region.

Rotterdam Port Bye Laws 2021
Regulations for reporting procedures under the Port Bye-Laws1.10
Designation Decree for passing other vessels in, and sailing into, the Nijlhaven and Yukonhaven3.2
Designation Decree prohibiting the entry by water of Recreational crafts3.2
2020 Regulations for Seagoing Vessels for which reporting is required3.10
Policy regulations for exemptions for the use of a generator or a main or auxiliary engine in Rotterdam4.2
Designation decree for areas where the use of a generator or a main or auxiliary engine is prohibited4.2
Plan of Action for ships of which the cargo has been fumigated with phosphine in a foreign port4.7
Designation Decree for petroleum harbours in Rotterdam and Vlaardingen5.1
Exemption for berths for inland tankers outside petroleum harbours in Rotterdam5.4
Designation decree for fuels and energy sources that may be bunkered with a permit only 20218.1
Designation decree on regulations for vesselshipss alongside during bunkering8.4
DD for fuels energy sources auxiliary materials for the use of a checklist is required for bunkering debunkering8.7
Designation decree on signalling during bunkering8.8

Permits and exemptions

Under certain circumstances the Harbour Master may grant permits, exemptions, approvals or directions. The Harbour Master for example grants permits for the operation of communication vessels or for lashing containers on seagoing vessels. Furthermore, the Harbour Master may grant exemptions from certain provisions in the port regulations. For example, under certain conditions it may be allowed to use anchors or disinfect vessels.

More information? Contact:

Harbour Coordination Centre
Harbour Coordination Centre