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Maasvlakte-Zuid Railway Yard

How can we help you?

The volume of containers transported via the port of Rotterdam continues to grow. This concerns rail freight from and to Maasvlakte, as well as transport in the Europoort and Botlek areas, which is also expected to increase in the years ahead. To accommodate this growth, the Port Authority is working closely together with ProRail on improvements to the rail track and the on-going development of the port railway line.

The partners have scheduled a number of infrastructure projects in the period 2020-2030 that will further improve Maasvlakte’s accessibility by rail, including the construction of various bundled railway tracks, electrification of the railway line and the realisation of new connections to the existing route. The Port of Rotterdam Authority has started on the realisation of the Maasvlakte-Zuid Railway Yard (Emplacement-Maasvlakte Zuid). This involves the phased construction of two 6-track bundles that connect to the APMT outer contour as well as the western bundle. The next two years will be devoted to preparatory activities, research and development.


The Port of Rotterdam has an extensive network of intermodal transport connections, including 400 international rail connections.

Dintelhaven bridge with barge and truck

Intermodal transportation

Train on the Theemswegtrace

Rail transport