Region Basel and Rotterdam renew logistic partnership

23 March 2022
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Today, in the presence of Federal councilor Simonetta Sommaruga, Minister of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communication in Switzerland, the Port of Switzerland, Logistikcluster Regio Basel and the Port of Rotterdam Authority have given their partnership a new boost.

Deborah Strub (Chairwoman Logistik Cluster Region Basel), Federal councilor Simonetta Sommaruga, Matthijs van Doorn (Commercial director Port of Rotterdam Authority), Martina Gmür, (President Administrative Board, Port of Switzerland).
Deborah Strub (Chairwoman Logistik Cluster Region Basel), Federal councilor Simonetta Sommaruga, Matthijs van Doorn (Commercial director Port of Rotterdam Authority), Martina Gmür, (President Administrative Board, Port of Switzerland). Photo: Ries van Wendel de Joode

The signing of a memorandum of understanding means an increased focus on the digitalisation and sustainability of the important Rotterdam-Basel-Genoa corridor.

The MOU replaces the agreements made in 2016. Themes addressed in the document include the possibilities for using hydrogen as a fuel for freight traffic, the expansion of intermodal logistics and support for the planned new tri-modal container terminal Gateway-Basel-North. Further alignment between the port community systems RheinPorts Information System (Switzerland) and Portbase (Netherlands) is included in the memorandum.

Of the transport volumes between Switzerland and Rotterdam, over half are handled by inland barges, a third by train and only 1 percent by truck.

Signing the MoU
Signing the Memorandum of Understanding. Photo: Ries van Wendel de Joode