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11 May 2021
How can we help you?

Logistics chains are always changing. Shippers and freight forwarders are expected to consistently anticipate deviations – on time and at acceptable costs. And the key word throughout is: reliability.

Reliability: our number-one priority

A lack of reliability leads to considerable waste in the chain. And it is precisely activities like inland transport – at the start or end of the supply chain – that can have a major impact on warehouse planning. This calls for insight into factors like lead times, the modal split, costs (hidden or otherwise) and an activity’s carbon footprint.

However, we currently lack the standards and tools necessary for monitoring and analysing the performance of this hinterland transport stage.

SCOPE: a joint approach to optimise the supply chain

As a port authority, we strive to create added value for shippers and freight forwarders by helping them improve their supply chains via Rotterdam.

One of the services we offer in this context is SCOPE: the Supply Chain Optimisation and Performance Engine.

This service provides insight into the performance of a shipper’s inland supply chain, based on the historical data shared by the firm regarding its container flow between Rotterdam and a location in the hinterland.

SCOPE invites the various chain parties involved to discuss this objective insight, so they can jointly identify and implement options to improve chain performance. This consultation takes place during two workshops, during which all parties in the chain are welcome to pull up a chair.

Besides the shipper, this includes the freight forwarder, the inland terminal and deep sea terminal operators and, in some cases, the shipping line. The Port of Rotterdam Authority facilitates this process and performs the analysis.


Read how DSM increased the reliability and efficiency of their supply chain and how SCOPE can help you to cut cost, reduce lead times and your carbon footprint.

Whitepaper Scope

Benefits SCOPE

  1. SCOPE offers a transparent picture of the chain’s performance and processes as well as underlying interests within the chain.
  2. SCOPE helps to gain insight into demonstrable bottlenecks based on a solid analysis of the data.
  3. SCOPE offers a joint approach for measurable improvements.
  4. SCOPE increases the reliability, efficiency and sustainability of the chain running from Rotterdam to the hinterland and vice versa.